These are just some fun personal photos from Medieval Times Toronto! We had such an absolutely blast at their dinner and tournament, it was fun for the whole family! We were so impressed with how well they run the show, all the staff and performers were amazing. And the food was actually great. Our hero was the red and yellow knight, and while he didn’t win we loved cheering for him. My favourite part was the horses and the incredible tricks they could do though, as you can probably tell by my photos. These photos were just shot with my little pocket digital camera, proving you don’t always need fancy gear to take decent photos, even in low light. I love to use it for travel since it’s a step up from just a smartphone camera, but without the hassle of my heavy professional gear. Anyway, I highly recommend Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament if you like this sort of thing. Enjoy the photos, cheers!
Shot with my Canon PowerShot G5X: